EGS Brachy
An egs++ user code for rapid brachytherapy calculations
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CEB_ApplicationThe main egs_brachy application class. See the Main Page for full documentation
 CEB_IAEASourceA phase space file source for egs_brachy
 CEGS_SobolEGS_RandomGenerator wrapper for Sobol library
 CGeomInfoContainer for organizing meta data about the geometries
 CGeomRegionInfoStruct to contain elementary information aboud a geometry
 Cmuen::MuenDataParserClass for parsing muen data from a file
 Cebvolcor::OptionsVolume correction initialization helper class
 Cebvolcor::RegVolumeRegVolumeT sruct with members (ir=RegionNumber, vol=Volume, unc=Unc)
 Cebvolcor::ResultsStruct used to collect and output results about a volume correction run
 CBaseSpectrumScorerAbstract base class for scoring spectrum information
 CEnergyFluenceSpectrumInVoxelA class for scoring the energy fluence of particles enter a voxel of the scoring phantom geometry
 CEnergyWeightedSurfaceSpectrumA class for scoring the energy weighted spectrum (normalized to total radiant energy) of particles on the surface of a source geometry
 CFluenceSpectrumInVoxelA class for scoring the fluence of particles enter a voxel of the scoring phantom geometry
 CSurfaceCountSpectrumA class for scoring a histogram of the number of particles escaping a source geometry
 CEB_PhantomA class to represent a single phantom for scoring dose in egs_brachy
 CEnergyScoringStatsClass to use for scoring information about total energy initialzed, escaping sources etc
 CLatchA class for handling latch bits relevant to egs_brachy. The Latch class listens for particle events and sets/unsets latch bits on the particle based on the event type
 Cebvolcor::VolumeCorrectorAn object for controlling the volume correction routine