EGS Brachy
An egs++ user code for rapid brachytherapy calculations
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 eb_iaeaphsp_source.hMinimal IAEA phase space source for egs_brachy
 eb_volcor.cppMain implementation of volume correction routines
 eb_volcor.hVolume correction routines for egs_brachy
 egs_brachy.cppMain egs_brachy application implementation file
 egs_brachy.hMain egs_brachy application header file
 egs_sobol.cppImplementation for EGS_Sobol (EGS_RandomGenerator wrapper for Sobol QRNG)
 egs_sobol.hHeader file for EGS_Sobol (EGS_RandomGenerator wrapper for Sobol QRNG)
 ginfo.cppImplementation of Geometry Info class
 ginfo.hGinfo contains classes for organizing information about the geometries present in an egs_brachy simulation
 latch.cppMethods for setting/checking latch bits for egs_brachy
 latch.hHandle particles latch bits for egs_brachy
 muen.hFunctions for loading muen data from a file
 phantom.cppImplementation of phantom objects
 phantom.hHeader file for phantom objects
 phsp.cppImplementation of the PHSPControl object
 phsp.hDefinition of the PHSPControl object
 pubsub.hA simple pub/sub module to allow various egs_brachy classes to subscribe to particle events
 recycle.cppClass imlementations for recycling
 recycle.hClass definitions for recycling
 sobol.hSobol library functions from
 spec_scoring.cppImplementation of spectrum scoring classes
 spec_scoring.hDefinition of spectrum scoring classes