EGS Brachy
An egs++ user code for rapid brachytherapy calculations
No Matches
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes | List of all members
EB_Application Class Reference

The main egs_brachy application class. See the Main Page for full documentation. More...

#include <egs_brachy.h>

Inheritance diagram for EB_Application:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for EB_Application:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 EB_Application (int argc, char **argv)
 egs_brachy constructor
 ~EB_Application ()
 egs_brachy destructor
void describeUserCode () const
 Print information about the egs_brachy user code.
void describeSimulation ()
 Describe the simulation.
void printIncludedFiles ()
int initSimulation ()
 set the run mode and then call EGS_AdvancedApplication::initSimulation
int initRunControl ()
 egs_brachy specific run control initialization
int initRunMode ()
 Get run mode from the input file.
int initScoring ()
 initialze all scoring and variance reduction parameters
int initVarianceReduction ()
 initialze all variance reduction parameters
int initRussianRoulette (EGS_Input *)
 Initialize Russian roulette variance reduction if requested.
int initBCSE (EGS_Input *)
 Initialize BCSE variance reduction if requested.
int ausgab (int iarg)
 user scoring of dose, spectra etc
int outputData ()
 Output intermediate results. The egs_brachy version outputs the standard egs++ data along with egs_brachy specific information such as phantom and spectrum scoring information. egs_brachy also allows you to output data in gzip format.
int outputDataHelper (ostream *)
 helper function for outputData
int egsApplicationOutputData (ostream *)
 helper function for outputData
int egsAdvApplicationOutputData (ostream *)
 helper function for outputData
int egsBrachyOutputData (ostream *)
 helper function for outputData
int readData ()
 Read data required for restarting simulations.
int readDataHelper (istream *)
 helper function for outputData
int egsApplicationReadData (istream *)
 helper function for outputData
int egsAdvApplicationReadData (istream *)
 helper function for outputData
int egsBrachyReadData (istream *)
 helper function for outputData
int combineResults ()
void resetCounter ()
 Reset the application to a 'pristine' state. Adapted from egs_application.cpp to allow combining in text or gzip format.
int addState (istream &data)
 Add data from a parallel job. Add standard egs++ data as well as egs_brachy specific scoring information.
void outputResults ()
void getCurrentResult (double &sum, double &sum2, double &norm, double &count)
 Reports the current results for this batch of the simulation.
EB_PhantomgetPhantomByName (string name)
 takes a phantom geometry name and returns the EB_Phantom object
virtual void startNewParticle ()
 Set source ecut/pcut if different from global ecut/pcut.
virtual void enterNewRegion ()
virtual int runSimulation ()
string getOutputVolcorFormat ()
int howManyJobsDone ()

Public Attributes

int nsources
 total number of particle sources in current simulation
EGS_Float effective_histories
Latch latch_control

Protected Member Functions

void addRecycledParticlesToStack (EGS_Particle *p, bool new_hist=false)
void copyParticleToSourceLoc (EGS_Particle *p, int source, bool kill_orig, bool rotate, EGS_Float new_wt)
void doPhotonSplitting (int)
int simulateSingleShower ()
int startNewShower ()
int initGeometry ()
 override default initGeometry so we can manually create our own geometry.
int initSource ()
int initSourceTransforms ()
 read in the location of all particle sources
vector< EGS_AffineTransform * > createTransforms (EGS_Input *input)

Private Types


Private Member Functions

int createPhantoms ()
 set up Phantom objects for any geometries that user has requested scoring for
int correctVolumes ()
 run the volume correction routines
int checkSourceOverlaps (EGS_Input *)
void initTrackLengthScoring (EGS_Input *)
 track length scoring initialization

void initMuenData (EGS_Input *)
 load muen data for requested media
void initOutputFiles (EGS_Input *)
 set up whether to output extra info files
void initPHSPScoring (EGS_Input *)
 set up phsp scoring
void initEDepScoring (EGS_Input *)
 energy deposition scoring initialization

void initScatScoring (EGS_Input *)
 energy deposition scoring initialization

void clearAusgabCalls ()
 disable all ausgab calls
void enableAusgabCalls (int ncalls, AusgabCall calls[])
 enable an array of ausgab calls
void initGCRScoring (EGS_Input *)
 setup which phantom/region will be used for getCurrentResult
void initAusgabCalls ()
 setup any required ausgab calls
void initDoseScaling (EGS_Input *)
 Initialize dose scaling factor if requested.
void initXCCScaling (EGS_Input *)
 Initialize cross section scaling if requested.
void initSpectrumScoring (EGS_Input *)
 Initialize all spectrum scoring objects.
int initCrossSections ()
void discardTopParticle (int idisc=1)
void calcEffectiveHistories ()
bool isStuck ()

Private Attributes

RunMode run_mode
 Which run mode are we using (RM_NORMAL, RM_SUPERPOSITION or RM_VC_ONLY *‍/.
string run_mode_name
 Energy related scoring/stats.
vector< BaseSpectrumScorer * > spectrum_scorers
bool single_generator
bool is_phsp_source
vector< EGS_Float > source_weights
int active_source
bool score_tlen
 true when tracklength estimator is enabled
bool score_edep
 true when energy deposition is enabled
bool score_scat
 true when scatter scoring is enabled
string output_egsdat_format
 text or gzip
bool output_3ddose_files
 false if run mode is 'volume correction only'
string output_dose_format
 text or gzip
bool output_egsphant
 true if user requests egsphant ouput
string output_egsphant_format
 text or gzip
bool output_voxinfo
 true if user requests voxel info file
string output_voxinfo_format
 text or gzip
vector< string > output_volcor_phantoms
 vector of phantom names to output volume correctino files for
string output_volcor_format
 text or gzip
int record_n_init
 if > 0 write initial pos of record_n_init particles to {input_file}.pinit
vector< EGS_Vector > p_init_locs
EGS_Vector last_position
EGS_Float last_R
EGS_Float cur_R
int steps_at_same_loc
EGS_I64 n_stuck
EGS_BaseGeometry * source_envelope_geom
 geometry that the sources are embedded in
EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope * superpos_geom
 an ASwitchedEnv cast of simulation geometry.
vector< EB_Phantom * > phantom_geoms
 pointers to all of the phantom objects
vector< EGS_AffineTransform * > source_transforms
 transforms to locations of all sources
EGS_AffineTransform * base_transform
 same as source_transforms[0]
EGS_AffineTransform * base_transform_inv
 same as source_transforms[0].inverse()
map< int, EGS_Interpolator * > media_muen
 Map from medium index to muen interpolator for that medium.
map< string, string > media_muen_names
bool do_brem_split
int nbr_split
 Number of times to split bremstrahlung phtons.
bool do_bcse
int bcse_med_num
EGS_Float bcse_factor
EGS_Float flu_cutoff
 fluorescent photon cutoff energy
EGS_Float source_ecut
 ecut for source objects
EGS_Float source_pcut
 pcut for source objects
EGS_Float global_ecut
 ecut for source objects
EGS_Float global_pcut
 pcut for source objects
bool global_i_do_rr
 enable range rejection outside of sources
EGS_Float global_e_max_rr
 max range rejection energy globally
bool source_i_do_rr
 enable range rejection in sources
EGS_Float source_e_max_rr
 max range rejection energy for source objects
GeomInfo ginfo
 meta data about the geometries
 phantom object to use in getCurrentResult (defaults to 1st phantom)
int gcr_phantom_reg
 region of phantom to use for getCurrentResult (default to 0)
map< string, vector< int > > extra_scoring_reg
map< string, vector< EGS_Float > > extra_scoring_vols
map< string, vector< EGS_Float > > extra_scoring_mass
map< string, EGS_ScoringArray * > extra_scoring_doses
map< string, EGS_ScoringArray * > extra_scoring_doses_edep
ebvolcor::Results source_vc_results
 results from source volume correctio box phantom
ebvolcor::Results gen_vc_results
 results from general volume correction
ebvolcor::FileResults file_vc_results
 results from precomputed volume correction
Publisher pevent_pub
 Particle event publisher.
EB_TimingTree timing_blocks
 Track CPU times of various functions.
map< int, EGS_I64 > steps_in_sources
map< int, EGS_I64 > steps_in_phantoms
map< int, EGS_I64 > steps_in_other
 GZip file for outputing egsdat.
 GZip file for outputing egsdat.

Static Private Attributes

static const EGS_Float DEFAULT_BCSE_FACTOR = 100
static string revision = "$Revision: 0.9.1 $"
 the usercode revision number

Detailed Description

The main egs_brachy application class. See the Main Page for full documentation.

Definition at line 91 of file egs_brachy.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ RunMode


Standard running mode.


Superposition mode for intersource effects.


Run volume correction routines then quit.

Definition at line 93 of file egs_brachy.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EB_Application()

EB_Application::EB_Application ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

egs_brachy constructor

Definition at line 270 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ ~EB_Application()

EB_Application::~EB_Application ( )

egs_brachy destructor

Definition at line 307 of file egs_brachy.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addRecycledParticlesToStack()

void EB_Application::addRecycledParticlesToStack ( EGS_Particle *  p,
bool  new_hist = false 

Definition at line 1595 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ addState()

int EB_Application::addState ( istream &  data)

Add data from a parallel job. Add standard egs++ data as well as egs_brachy specific scoring information.

Definition at line 2561 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ ausgab()

int EB_Application::ausgab ( int  iarg)

user scoring of dose, spectra etc

Definition at line 1657 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ calcEffectiveHistories()

void EB_Application::calcEffectiveHistories ( )

Definition at line 1915 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ checkSourceOverlaps()

int EB_Application::checkSourceOverlaps ( EGS_Input *  inp)

Definition at line 448 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ clearAusgabCalls()

void EB_Application::clearAusgabCalls ( )

disable all ausgab calls

Definition at line 1254 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ combineResults()

int EB_Application::combineResults ( )

Definition at line 2472 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ copyParticleToSourceLoc()

void EB_Application::copyParticleToSourceLoc ( EGS_Particle *  p,
int  source,
bool  kill_orig,
bool  rotate,
EGS_Float  new_wt 

Definition at line 1494 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ correctVolumes()

int EB_Application::correctVolumes ( )

run the volume correction routines

Definition at line 597 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ createPhantoms()

int EB_Application::createPhantoms ( )

set up Phantom objects for any geometries that user has requested scoring for

Definition at line 688 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ createTransforms()

vector< EGS_AffineTransform * > EB_Application::createTransforms ( EGS_Input *  input)

Definition at line 385 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ describeSimulation()

void EB_Application::describeSimulation ( )

Describe the simulation.

Add extra information to egs_applications describeSimulation

Definition at line 128 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ describeUserCode()

void EB_Application::describeUserCode ( ) const

Print information about the egs_brachy user code.

Definition at line 114 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ discardTopParticle()

void EB_Application::discardTopParticle ( int  idisc = 1)

Definition at line 1587 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ doPhotonSplitting()

void EB_Application::doPhotonSplitting ( int  iarg)

Definition at line 1863 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ egsAdvApplicationOutputData()

int EB_Application::egsAdvApplicationOutputData ( ostream *  out)

helper function for outputData

Definition at line 2207 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ egsAdvApplicationReadData()

int EB_Application::egsAdvApplicationReadData ( istream *  in)

helper function for outputData

Definition at line 2352 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ egsApplicationOutputData()

int EB_Application::egsApplicationOutputData ( ostream *  out)

helper function for outputData

Definition at line 2183 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ egsApplicationReadData()

int EB_Application::egsApplicationReadData ( istream *  in)

helper function for outputData

Definition at line 2329 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ egsBrachyOutputData()

int EB_Application::egsBrachyOutputData ( ostream *  out)

helper function for outputData

Definition at line 2234 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ egsBrachyReadData()

int EB_Application::egsBrachyReadData ( istream *  in)

helper function for outputData

Definition at line 2380 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ enableAusgabCalls()

void EB_Application::enableAusgabCalls ( int  ncalls,
AusgabCall  calls[] 

enable an array of ausgab calls

Definition at line 1382 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ enterNewRegion()

void EB_Application::enterNewRegion ( )

Definition at line 1568 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ getCurrentResult()

void EB_Application::getCurrentResult ( double &  sum,
double &  sum2,
double &  norm,
double &  count 

Reports the current results for this batch of the simulation.

Definition at line 2054 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ getOutputVolcorFormat()

string EB_Application::getOutputVolcorFormat ( )

Definition at line 478 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ getPhantomByName()

EB_Phantom * EB_Application::getPhantomByName ( string  name)

takes a phantom geometry name and returns the EB_Phantom object

Definition at line 968 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ howManyJobsDone()

int EB_Application::howManyJobsDone ( )

Definition at line 2616 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initAusgabCalls()

void EB_Application::initAusgabCalls ( )

setup any required ausgab calls

For efficiency, only those ausgab calls which are strictly neccessary should be enabled

Definition at line 1261 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initBCSE()

int EB_Application::initBCSE ( EGS_Input *  inp)

Initialize BCSE variance reduction if requested.

Definition at line 1196 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initCrossSections()

int EB_Application::initCrossSections ( )

Definition at line 848 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initDoseScaling()

void EB_Application::initDoseScaling ( EGS_Input *  scoring_options)

Initialize dose scaling factor if requested.

Definition at line 1445 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initEDepScoring()

void EB_Application::initEDepScoring ( EGS_Input *  scoring_options)

energy deposition scoring initialization

Definition at line 1389 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initGCRScoring()

void EB_Application::initGCRScoring ( EGS_Input *  inp)

setup which phantom/region will be used for getCurrentResult

Definition at line 924 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initGeometry()

int EB_Application::initGeometry ( )

override default initGeometry so we can manually create our own geometry.

This allows us to track region numbers for each geometry object individually

Definition at line 307 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initMuenData()

void EB_Application::initMuenData ( EGS_Input *  scoring_options)

load muen data for requested media

Definition at line 1325 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initOutputFiles()

void EB_Application::initOutputFiles ( EGS_Input *  inp)

set up whether to output extra info files

Definition at line 979 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initPHSPScoring()

void EB_Application::initPHSPScoring ( EGS_Input *  inp)

set up phsp scoring

Definition at line 1008 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initRunControl()

int EB_Application::initRunControl ( )

egs_brachy specific run control initialization

Definition at line 788 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initRunMode()

int EB_Application::initRunMode ( )

Get run mode from the input file.

Definition at line 815 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initRussianRoulette()

int EB_Application::initRussianRoulette ( EGS_Input *  scoring_options)

Initialize Russian roulette variance reduction if requested.

Definition at line 1170 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initScatScoring()

void EB_Application::initScatScoring ( EGS_Input *  scoring_options)

energy deposition scoring initialization

Definition at line 1408 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initScoring()

int EB_Application::initScoring ( )

initialze all scoring and variance reduction parameters

Definition at line 890 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initSimulation()

int EB_Application::initSimulation ( )

set the run mode and then call EGS_AdvancedApplication::initSimulation

Definition at line 768 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initSource()

int EB_Application::initSource ( )

Definition at line 725 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initSourceTransforms()

int EB_Application::initSourceTransforms ( )

read in the location of all particle sources

Definition at line 407 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initSpectrumScoring()

void EB_Application::initSpectrumScoring ( EGS_Input *  scoring_input)

Initialize all spectrum scoring objects.

Definition at line 1233 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initTrackLengthScoring()

void EB_Application::initTrackLengthScoring ( EGS_Input *  scoring_options)

track length scoring initialization

Definition at line 1273 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initVarianceReduction()

int EB_Application::initVarianceReduction ( )

initialze all variance reduction parameters

Definition at line 1019 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ initXCCScaling()

void EB_Application::initXCCScaling ( EGS_Input *  scoring_options)

Initialize cross section scaling if requested.

Definition at line 1458 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ isStuck()

bool EB_Application::isStuck ( )

Definition at line 1627 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ outputData()

int EB_Application::outputData ( )

Output intermediate results. The egs_brachy version outputs the standard egs++ data along with egs_brachy specific information such as phantom and spectrum scoring information. egs_brachy also allows you to output data in gzip format.

Definition at line 2287 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ outputDataHelper()

int EB_Application::outputDataHelper ( ostream *  out)

helper function for outputData

Definition at line 2273 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ outputResults()

void EB_Application::outputResults ( )

Definition at line 1934 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ printIncludedFiles()

void EB_Application::printIncludedFiles ( )

Definition at line 287 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ readData()

int EB_Application::readData ( )

Read data required for restarting simulations.

Definition at line 2430 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ readDataHelper()

int EB_Application::readDataHelper ( istream *  in)

helper function for outputData

Definition at line 2415 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ resetCounter()

void EB_Application::resetCounter ( )

Reset the application to a 'pristine' state. Adapted from egs_application.cpp to allow combining in text or gzip format.

Definition at line 2534 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ runSimulation()

int EB_Application::runSimulation ( )

Definition at line 2064 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ simulateSingleShower()

int EB_Application::simulateSingleShower ( )

Definition at line 2072 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ startNewParticle()

void EB_Application::startNewParticle ( )

Set source ecut/pcut if different from global ecut/pcut.

Definition at line 1553 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

◆ startNewShower()

int EB_Application::startNewShower ( )

Definition at line 2157 of file egs_brachy.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ active_source

int EB_Application::active_source

Definition at line 112 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ base_transform

EGS_AffineTransform* EB_Application::base_transform

same as source_transforms[0]

Definition at line 148 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ base_transform_inv

EGS_AffineTransform* EB_Application::base_transform_inv

same as source_transforms[0].inverse()

Definition at line 149 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ bcse_factor

EGS_Float EB_Application::bcse_factor

Definition at line 160 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ bcse_med_num

int EB_Application::bcse_med_num

Definition at line 159 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ cur_R

EGS_Float EB_Application::cur_R

Definition at line 138 of file egs_brachy.h.


const EGS_Float EB_Application::DEFAULT_BCSE_FACTOR = 100

Definition at line 161 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ do_bcse

bool EB_Application::do_bcse

Definition at line 158 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ do_brem_split

bool EB_Application::do_brem_split

Definition at line 155 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ effective_histories

EGS_Float EB_Application::effective_histories

Definition at line 370 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ escoring

EnergyScoringStats* EB_Application::escoring

Energy related scoring/stats.

Definition at line 103 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ extra_scoring_doses

map<string, EGS_ScoringArray* > EB_Application::extra_scoring_doses

Definition at line 183 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ extra_scoring_doses_edep

map<string, EGS_ScoringArray* > EB_Application::extra_scoring_doses_edep

Definition at line 184 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ extra_scoring_mass

map<string, vector<EGS_Float> > EB_Application::extra_scoring_mass

Definition at line 182 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ extra_scoring_reg

map<string, vector<int> > EB_Application::extra_scoring_reg

Definition at line 180 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ extra_scoring_vols

map<string, vector<EGS_Float> > EB_Application::extra_scoring_vols

Definition at line 181 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ file_vc_results

ebvolcor::FileResults EB_Application::file_vc_results

results from precomputed volume correction

Definition at line 188 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ flu_cutoff

EGS_Float EB_Application::flu_cutoff

fluorescent photon cutoff energy

Definition at line 163 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ gcr_phantom

EB_Phantom* EB_Application::gcr_phantom

phantom object to use in getCurrentResult (defaults to 1st phantom)

Definition at line 177 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ gcr_phantom_reg

int EB_Application::gcr_phantom_reg

region of phantom to use for getCurrentResult (default to 0)

Definition at line 178 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ gen_vc_results

ebvolcor::Results EB_Application::gen_vc_results

results from general volume correction

Definition at line 187 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ ginfo

GeomInfo EB_Application::ginfo

meta data about the geometries

Definition at line 175 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ global_e_max_rr

EGS_Float EB_Application::global_e_max_rr

max range rejection energy globally

Definition at line 170 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ global_ecut

EGS_Float EB_Application::global_ecut

ecut for source objects

Definition at line 166 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ global_i_do_rr

bool EB_Application::global_i_do_rr

enable range rejection outside of sources

Definition at line 169 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ global_pcut

EGS_Float EB_Application::global_pcut

pcut for source objects

Definition at line 167 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ gz_data_in

igzstream* EB_Application::gz_data_in

GZip file for outputing egsdat.

Definition at line 199 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ gz_data_out

ogzstream* EB_Application::gz_data_out

GZip file for outputing egsdat.

Definition at line 198 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ is_phsp_source

bool EB_Application::is_phsp_source

Definition at line 109 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ last_position

EGS_Vector EB_Application::last_position

Definition at line 136 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ last_R

EGS_Float EB_Application::last_R

Definition at line 137 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ latch_control

Latch EB_Application::latch_control

Definition at line 372 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ media_muen

map<int, EGS_Interpolator *> EB_Application::media_muen

Map from medium index to muen interpolator for that medium.

Definition at line 151 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ media_muen_names

map<string, string> EB_Application::media_muen_names

Definition at line 152 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ n_stuck

EGS_I64 EB_Application::n_stuck

Definition at line 140 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ nbr_split

int EB_Application::nbr_split

Number of times to split bremstrahlung phtons.

Definition at line 156 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ nsources

int EB_Application::nsources

total number of particle sources in current simulation

Definition at line 368 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ output_3ddose_files

bool EB_Application::output_3ddose_files

false if run mode is 'volume correction only'

Definition at line 122 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ output_dose_format

string EB_Application::output_dose_format

text or gzip

Definition at line 123 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ output_egsdat_format

string EB_Application::output_egsdat_format

text or gzip

Definition at line 120 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ output_egsphant

bool EB_Application::output_egsphant

true if user requests egsphant ouput

Definition at line 124 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ output_egsphant_format

string EB_Application::output_egsphant_format

text or gzip

Definition at line 125 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ output_volcor_format

string EB_Application::output_volcor_format

text or gzip

Definition at line 131 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ output_volcor_phantoms

vector<string> EB_Application::output_volcor_phantoms

vector of phantom names to output volume correctino files for

Definition at line 130 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ output_voxinfo

bool EB_Application::output_voxinfo

true if user requests voxel info file

Definition at line 127 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ output_voxinfo_format

string EB_Application::output_voxinfo_format

text or gzip

Definition at line 128 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ p_init_locs

vector<EGS_Vector> EB_Application::p_init_locs

Definition at line 134 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ pevent_pub

Publisher EB_Application::pevent_pub

Particle event publisher.

Definition at line 190 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ phantom_geoms

vector<EB_Phantom *> EB_Application::phantom_geoms

pointers to all of the phantom objects

Definition at line 145 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ phsp

PHSPControl* EB_Application::phsp

Definition at line 114 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ record_n_init

int EB_Application::record_n_init

if > 0 write initial pos of record_n_init particles to {input_file}.pinit

Definition at line 133 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ recycle_opts

RecycleOpts* EB_Application::recycle_opts

Definition at line 107 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ revision

string EB_Application::revision = "$Revision: 0.9.1 $"

the usercode revision number

Definition at line 201 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ run_mode

RunMode EB_Application::run_mode

Which run mode are we using (RM_NORMAL, RM_SUPERPOSITION or RM_VC_ONLY *‍/.

Definition at line 100 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ run_mode_name

string EB_Application::run_mode_name

Definition at line 101 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ score_edep

bool EB_Application::score_edep

true when energy deposition is enabled

Definition at line 117 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ score_scat

bool EB_Application::score_scat

true when scatter scoring is enabled

Definition at line 118 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ score_tlen

bool EB_Application::score_tlen

true when tracklength estimator is enabled

Definition at line 116 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ single_generator

bool EB_Application::single_generator

Definition at line 108 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ source_e_max_rr

EGS_Float EB_Application::source_e_max_rr

max range rejection energy for source objects

Definition at line 173 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ source_ecut

EGS_Float EB_Application::source_ecut

ecut for source objects

Definition at line 164 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ source_envelope_geom

EGS_BaseGeometry* EB_Application::source_envelope_geom

geometry that the sources are embedded in

Definition at line 142 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ source_i_do_rr

bool EB_Application::source_i_do_rr

enable range rejection in sources

Definition at line 172 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ source_pcut

EGS_Float EB_Application::source_pcut

pcut for source objects

Definition at line 165 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ source_transforms

vector<EGS_AffineTransform *> EB_Application::source_transforms

transforms to locations of all sources

Definition at line 147 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ source_vc_results

ebvolcor::Results EB_Application::source_vc_results

results from source volume correctio box phantom

Definition at line 186 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ source_weights

vector<EGS_Float> EB_Application::source_weights

Definition at line 111 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ spectrum_scorers

vector<BaseSpectrumScorer *> EB_Application::spectrum_scorers

Definition at line 104 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ steps_at_same_loc

int EB_Application::steps_at_same_loc

Definition at line 139 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ steps_in_other

map<int, EGS_I64> EB_Application::steps_in_other

Definition at line 196 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ steps_in_phantoms

map<int, EGS_I64> EB_Application::steps_in_phantoms

Definition at line 195 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ steps_in_sources

map<int, EGS_I64> EB_Application::steps_in_sources

Definition at line 194 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ superpos_geom

EGS_ASwitchedEnvelope* EB_Application::superpos_geom

an ASwitchedEnv cast of simulation geometry.

Definition at line 143 of file egs_brachy.h.

◆ timing_blocks

EB_TimingTree EB_Application::timing_blocks

Track CPU times of various functions.

Definition at line 192 of file egs_brachy.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: